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Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements Lawyers in London


We have specialist solicitors to support you through the most difficult stage in your life.


Our family solicitors have extensive expertise in working in complex and sensitive cases with care and empathy. Our personalised service will support and uphold your interest in each step of the process.


Our family solicitors are members of the Resolution.  They are committed to working in a constructive and effective manner. They will put your interest first and ensure that the most cost effective and long term solution is considered in your matter at every stage.


Pre-Nuptial Agreements


When you enter into a marriage, the last thing on your mind is usually the prospect of separation. However, the reality is that not all marriages progress smoothly, and some couples may eventually face the prospect of divorce. In such cases, navigating the financial and asset division can be one of the most challenging aspects.


A prenuptial agreement provides a way to clarify financial matters and avoid disputes in the unfortunate event of separation. By formalising expectations and entitlements before marriage, a prenuptial agreement can prevent delays and disputes during divorce or separation.


At Evalen Law, our expert team is here to help you understand and navigate the process of creating a prenuptial agreement. Whether you're considering a prenuptial agreement for yourself or need guidance on your options, we are here to assist you.


Contact us today for an obligation-free consultation to discuss the details of prenuptial agreements.


Understanding Prenuptial Agreements


A prenuptial agreement, or prenup, is a formal and legally recognised contract between two individuals entering into marriage. This agreement sets out how assets, finances, property, and other possessions will be divided in the event of a divorce or separation.


Although prenuptial agreements are not automatically binding in the UK, they are typically given substantial weight by the Family Courts, provided they are fair, entered into voluntarily, and both parties have received independent legal advice. Courts will typically enforce prenuptial agreements unless they are deemed unfair or coercive.


When creating a prenuptial agreement, it is crucial that both parties understand its implications. Evalen Law provides impartial legal advice to help ensure that you make informed decisions for both yourself and your family.


Reasons to Pursue a Prenuptial Agreement


Although it may not seem romantic, planning for potential separation can save you significant stress and emotional strain later on.


Prenuptial agreements are particularly useful in the following situations:


  • Unequal distribution of property or assets.

  • Protection of savings or future inheritance.

  • A significant wealth disparity between partners.

  • Ownership of a business, with the intent to retain control.

  • Outstanding debts that one party does not want to share.


Each prenuptial agreement is tailored to the unique needs of the couple. At Evalen Law, we can help you assess whether a prenuptial agreement is right for you and what financial matters should be included in the agreement.


Contact us today for your obligation-free consultation with one of our expert pre-nup lawyers.


Post-Nuptial Agreements 


While prenuptial agreements are well-known, post-nuptial agreements are gaining popularity as a flexible option for couples who wish to formalise financial arrangements after marriage or civil partnership.


A post-nuptial agreement works similarly to a prenuptial agreement, but it is created after the marriage or civil partnership has taken place. This agreement allows couples to address financial matters and outline how assets will be divided if they later separate.


In some cases, a post-nuptial agreement is used to modify or confirm the terms of an existing prenuptial agreement. More commonly, it is independently initiated and can be created at any point after marriage.


If you want to learn more about post-nuptial agreements and how they can benefit you, contact us for a detailed discussion with a member of the Evalen Law team.


Legally Binding Nature of Post-Nuptial Agreements


Although post-nuptial agreements are not automatically legally binding in the UK, they can be highly influential in family law. If the agreement is properly drafted, fair, and both parties have received independent legal advice, the court is likely to uphold the terms.


However, it is essential that both parties enter into the agreement voluntarily, without pressure or coercion, and fully understand the implications. If either party did not receive independent legal advice, or if the terms are found to be unfair, the agreement may be contested.


Due to the complexities involved, seeking expert legal advice is crucial when considering a post-nuptial agreement.


Content of Post-Nuptial Agreements


Post-nuptial agreements offer flexibility in addressing a wide range of financial and asset-related matters. Common aspects that may be covered in a post-nuptial agreement include:


  • Property ownership and distribution.

  • Handling debts (individual or joint).

  • Division of savings and collective wealth.

  • Assets brought into the marriage by each partner.

  • Future maintenance (spousal support) arrangements.


In cases involving children, the court will always prioritise the welfare of the child, and any agreements must reflect this consideration. Post-nuptial agreements cannot undermine child maintenance obligations.


At Evalen Law, we offer impartial legal advice and expert support in drafting and reviewing post-nuptial agreements to ensure they align with your needs and are fair and enforceable.


Contact us today to book your obligation-free consultation and discuss how a post-nuptial agreement can benefit you and your family.


When creating either a prenuptial or post-nuptial agreement, it is crucial to ensure the process is fair, transparent, and legally sound. Both parties must disclose their financial information, and independent legal advice must be sought.


If you’re considering a prenuptial or post-nuptial agreement, Evalen Law is here to guide you through the process and ensure that your agreement is fair, legally enforceable, and tailored to your needs. Our expert solicitors are available for a no-obligation consultation to discuss your options.


Get in touch with us today to safeguard your financial future with expert advice on prenuptial and post-nuptial agreements.

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